1% Better Every Day

Hello Everyone! This is my Fight Story. My name is Johnny from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My story begins in 2019 where I was involved in a very serious car crash. I was sideswiped by a driver who was speeding and intoxicated. Luckily I was able to walk away with minor injuries and a concussion which lasted a few years. I ended up losing my job and lost a lot of hobbies and enjoyment. At the time I didn’t know it but something changed. I didn’t know I was suffering from depression. Being from an immigrant family, which both my parents immigrated to Canada from China, mental health was never a topic of discussion. I was always told to never show emotions and that was a way to show respect. No matter how you felt, happy, sad, angry, over or under stimulated, just to bottle down inside because it wasn’t worth expressing. My emotional state was like a bottle of coke with a mentos trapped inside. Fast-Forward to 2023. The worse* year of my life (so far), I lost my grandfather, and was going through a rough divorce. I spiraled. I felt my rock bottom. My depression was at the heaviest it’s been, I was diagnosed with PTSD from the car crash. I felt like my back was against the wall. I thought there was only one way out. I wanted so badly to be with my grandfather and see him again, and I was tired of going to a workplace I hated, I was tired of trying to fix a marriage that was broken, most of all I was just tired of being me. My neighbors saw the signs of what I was going through and ended up calling the police. I was hospitalized for suicide attempt in August. I was at the lowest point I’ve ever been in my life. A lot of people turned their back on me, friends that I thought were my friends walked away and didn’t want to “deal with the drama.” I felt alone. I felt like no one was there for me. Until, my best friend asked me to join his Mixed Martial Arts gym called Toronto Top Team. I always was interested in Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I was an avid fan of UFC and ONE Championship. But I never had the courage to enter the sport. So far this has been the best experience of my life. I found a community, a coach and a mentor who believes in me beyond the scope of the sport and genuinely cares about my mental well being and overall health. I am more focused and in-tuned with my body and mind than I have ever been. I’m starting school and pursuing a dream to become a teacher in January. I’ve joined my first BJJ competition on March 9, 2024 I am training every day to get better, stronger, and faster. For the first time in my whole life I am focused on myself and bettering myself. Our gym’s motto is “1% Better Everyday.” and it is a motto I hold close to my heart. Following Angela Lee career in ONE and starting Fight Story has been truly inspiring. It has helped me through some tough times. Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has saved my life and Fight Story is something I will always represent throughout my journey in MMA and in life. If you are reading this and are going through something similar or struggling with mental health please know there is a community out there rallying for your success. I am in your corner and there are so many people here for you.

Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash