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At FIGHTSTORY, we believe stories can save lives.
These stories are meant to be shared and people are meant to hear them

Our Vision

We are creating a community where struggles are shared and voices are heard.

We believe in the power of sharing personal stories and connecting through our lived experiences.

We are changing views on mental health, one story at a time. When we speak up, we open the door to healing, strength and hope

Our goal

Our goal is to create a community that empowers one another to embrace the journey. It is only through struggle that we gain our strength.
We are starting the conversation.

By sharing real stories of overcoming mental health struggles, we shine the light on a topic kept in the dark and we break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

Our mission

Our mission is to change the view on mental health and emphasize the process of overcoming. We believe that mental and physical health is vital for every individual and the preservation of their well-being.

Our goal is to pass on the wisdom that we’ve gained from each experience that we’ve faced and conquered

Our struggle is our strength. Life is a Fight & We Are Fighters

Angela Lee Pucci