Share your Story

Sharing our personal experiences can be a powerful way to navigate our struggles, celebrate our triumphs, and embrace our journey together.

These steps will guide you on how to get started.


Take a moment to think about your mental health journey. What have been your biggest challenges and struggles? What moments of healing and hope have you experienced? What do you hope others can learn from your story?


Express yourself in the way that feels best for you. Whether it’s through writing, poetry, art, photography, digital media, or any other form, we encourage your creativity.


Once your creation is ready, it’s time to share it. Visit the link below to learn how to submit your story. After submission, we’ll be in touch.

Your Story Matters

Getting started can be as simple as answering one of these prompts. Use these points to help you reflect on your life, the challenges you’ve faced, and what’s shaped you into the person you are today.

  • Describe your mental health journey and its challenges.
  • Share moments of healing, empowerment, or joy.
  • Reflect on how the stigma around mental health has impacted you and what can be done to fight it.
  • Highlight influential moments that shaped your outlook on mental health.
  • Discuss the role of your identity in your mental health journey.
  • Consider the support from loved ones and its impact on you.
  • Share what you hope others can learn from your experience.What has your mental health journey been like?

“… now I believe I can make the years ahead brighter and better than ever before.”
